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Smoke Signals - Learn Grilling to Become Master Chef



What To Expect?

I'm here to help give you a top-notch grilling experience!  You'll get tips, tricks, and knowledge thrown at ya!  I also have a garden, and I will grill, canning, and utilize fresh vegetables in my cooking.

Are You a Beginner?

That's perfectly fine!  We all have to get our start somewhere.  The good news is that you want to learn & improve your skills!

Follow Me on Social Media!

Make sure you follow me on Instagram and TikTok:  @smokesignalsLR for grilling, smoking, and all kinds of tips and tricks!

How to Make Duck Poppers

The first split of the 2022 - 2023 Arkansas Duck Season begins on November 19th and runs to the 27th.  The next two splits are December 10th - 23rd and December 26th - January 31, 2023.  Since a lot of my friends will be in the woods, I want to post a video that my friend Robert and I made back in 2016.  Robert has one of the most flavorful duck popper recipes I've had in my life.  

Here is how he makes his bacon-wrapped, cream cheese & Jalapeno stuffed duck poppers. The YouTube link is below! 

1. Marinate the ducks from six hours to overnight.  If you marinate ducks or any meat for too long it breaks down the fibers.  The meat becomes mushy.

2. Cut the duck breast in thirds, butterfly them, and create a pocket for cream cheese and Jalapeno slice. 

3. Wrap them in a half piece of bacon per duck slice. 

4. If you’d like to season the outside of the poppers with pepper, or any other seasoning do it now.

5. Hold them all together with two tooth picks. 

6. Set the grill at 350 degrees. 

7. Throw the poppers on the grill.

8. Check at the eight minute mark. 

9. If you find one side of the popper is getting a char, rotate when needed.

10. Check again at another eight minutes.

11. We checked again four minutes later so we were at 20 minutes. 

12. We pulled them at the 22 minute mark. 

13. Let them rest for at least five minutes. 

Eat and enjoy! Let us know what you think, and please like & subscribe! Thank you!

-Chris & Robert


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